Tuesday, 8 November 2011

To The Point

This blog is hopefully going to follow my progress as I build the wonderful Benchcrafted Shaker Bench. My order is in and I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of the plans and hardware. Along the way I plan to share my experiences and mistakes in construction of the bench. Before even starting I knew it was high time I procured some decent layout tools. With thanks to Derek Cohen's site, I have just completed a scratch awl. Point is a concrete nail and body is turned from a piece of Red Mulga.
I plan to add a striking knife in the next few weeks and have another piece of the Mulga ready to go. The next post will likely cover it's construction unless my vises arrive first!

I anticipate this project is going to take one to two years to complete and it should be noted I will not be including any detailed construction notes or plans in my blog as these a readily available from Benchcrafted. The purpose really is to chronicle the genesis of my bench and ultimately this blog is for myself to reflect back on the journey taken. Feel free to follow along!

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